As Tom Bachtel his son Kris and I trekked the bumpy back roads, drank from a smelly water bucket of local water almost divinely cleansed by the water filters, we saw the faces and experienced the joy of people who had never tasted clean, safe water!
This was after they had left their farm patches, walked miles with babies on their backs, and waited sometimes hours for our arrival – and would not eat until they had trekked back home, collected firewood ( about a three hour job) and gotten water – another three hours. If no one else cooked, they had to grind corn to make ugali, a thick pasty mush, and then eat in the dark of their homes with their families. But as the group of women returned to 40 villages, they happily carried a 10 gallon bucket with a water filter you provided to introduce that clean water to their whole village – of something up to 1,000 adults and children. Thank you for your love gifts. Thank you for beginning the person-to-person chain bringing safe drinking water—FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER— to this Tanzanian region. That thank you is from more than me. The Lutheran Church there will benefit by sharing the love of the Living Water (Jesus) in this new, tangible form every day in villages with names we cannot pronounce – But God and those Tanzanians can. I’m happy to be growing communities through Tanzanian Ministries-Ascension, Columbus, OH. Again Thank You, Asante for making the difference. — Carolee Uits The Water Filters are Placed and It Is Good to be Home!
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AuthorsPastor Tim Vicar Kimberly
April 2020
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