We are soon approaching Lent. Ash Wednesday is on March 6. We have two worship times at Ascension, at 12 noon and 7.30pm. This year I am going to slightly modify the words that go with the imposition of ashes – Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall return. The season of Lent helps us to be/become better humans. It gets to the foundation of our creation and our faith. The season with its practices invites us to return to what is most important. (In Hebrew – the word ‘repentance’ has the sense of turning back, or being turned back, to God)
Katie Machmer recently passed to glory. Her family has given a book of pencil art to the church – art connected with the history and life of people along the Danube River in Europe. There is a section of art that in German is called – Die Flucht – the fleeing of people from advancing armies in World War Two. One page caught my eye – of a mother with children fleeing, passing by a large crucifix, a cross with Jesus’ body on it. The cross is on an angle, having been damaged by war. And under this shadow of the cross the family are fleeing. This is Katie’s own story – at age 26 fleeing her village in what is now Serbia, fleeing with her two little children in horse drawn wagons – going through 5 countries to eventual safety. That image is stuck in my mind.
AuthorsPastor Tim Vicar Kimberly
April 2020
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