Altar Guild Altar Guild prepares the altar, communion, flowers, sanctuary for worship. Contact: Jan Dahlstrom and Brenda Noe
Altar Guild Banners - Contact Robin Kern
Ushers Ushers open the church, welcome, distribute bulletins, count attendees, and take the offering. 10:00 service: Alan Dahlstrom and Mike Fitak They welcome, distribute bulletins, and lock the church. Contact: Mike Fitak and Alan Dahlstrom
Sound System Joel Kratzer, Oscar Kamazima and Dave Holtzapple *Looking for persons interested in learning to operate the sound system Contact: Joel Kratzer
Chancel Choir Sings at the 10:00 service every other Sunday from September through May Practices on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact: Dr. Ed Duling
Contemporary Worship Band Contemporary Worship Band Director, Tom Martin, chooses faith-based contemporary music, directs the band and organizes the group that provides music at the 10:00 service every other week. Contact: Tom Martin
Hand Bells Bells play periodically September through May Practice on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. Contact: Jan Dahlstrom